Monday, September 3, 2007

i am a private person

very much so.

I have a private blog, whose address shall remain URL-less... there I post pretty much everything. My fears (many), my triumphs (few these days), my bitching (lots), and assorted topics.

But I kind of want to branch out and really be public out here in the big, scary Web.

Though, really, not all that public. If I really wanted to be out there, the URL for this blog would be But no, I'm hiding behind a nickname and an initial.

Also hiding in that I'm telling anyone (ie, friends, family) about this blog.

So, really, how public is this?

I guess we'll find out. I want to live with less fear, and part of that is being honest with myself and being honest with this blog... I'm going to try not to censor myself. Try not to write what I perceive to be what people want to hear or read, but rather what I'm truly feeling and thinking, warts and all.

I guess we'll see how it turns out.